Gibberish Talking on National Education Day

2nd of May.
We, Indonesian, use to commemorate the birth date of Ki Hajar Dewantara as our National Education Day.

Well, talking about education.
There are so many thoughts that come through my mind. I try to let them go; forget them. But, I can't. They keep floating in my head. So let me just spill some of them here.


Education is essential for someone's life. Good Education what I mean is...
I don't really know --and I don't care what the true definition of the word education is... But in short, through education, human are objected to be more humane.

But during my several years being someone who tries to get educated --formally (student - I've been a student for almost 15 years?!!!), I --unfortunately found that I haven't reached that point. 

Ya, in my society, going to school is one of the ways you've to take, if you want to be called as "educated person". The more higher title you got from your formal education, the more Approval you'll get. Moreover if you graduated from oversea uni or the most top uni in the country, surely people will praise you more.. more and more; and you'll probably get the previlage.

Um.. that's normal, right?

But what I want to capture is..
Most people in my society seems fail to see the whole picture what education is.
They prefer to see education more into the "result" than the "process". What I mean by the result is something like "grade", "score", "GPA", and so on. 


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